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Events and Film Catering

“Duyen is by far one of the key elements to our successful production.

A producer’s dream!”


Recent Films

Kong vs Zilla.jpg

My operation and catering skills have earned my place in the Hollywood film catering and craft services industry where I customise meals to help improve the health, energy and morale of cast and crew members. It’s my mission is to provide nutrition and wellness support by creating honest and beautiful foods that nourish body and soul. I customise classic and sophisticated dishes with creative solutions curated to fit your lifestyle. Feeding masses of largely western crews in Asia since 2013, I’ve developed a streamlined catering and craft service: creating specialised meals for principle cast and crew to keep up morale and well-being in often labourious and ever-changing work environments.


The first day I came on a set as a Wellness Catering Consultant, a crew member lashed out, “We hear you will not have hot dogs and hamburgers on set.” Some crew actually thought I was coming in to convert them to become vegetarian. I chuckled and replied “Yes, I will be turning you all into rabbits”. The idea of not having hot dogs and sweet tea were foreign to them. I found myself being in a tough position as most crew members’ diets were based on heavy meat protein, heavy sugar intake and snack on processed foods.

My job was to create menus based on whole food, fresh nutrient dense ingredients and best quality protein to fuel the crew throughout their long working hours without crashing. It was a success story as I managed to eliminate processed foods and sugar drinks. I added more vegetables and colours into the dishes and limited sweet intake as mini treats. I prepared immune boost drinks for those who fell ill during the cold month. I ended up making friends and being appreciated for caring about their health and well-being.